Reach thousands of B2B buyers per month! is the place for manufacturers, exporters, wholesalers and retailers to come together and trade. Being a global B2B platform, suppliers can create an account with us for free and expose their products to a bigger market. Being mobile and user-friendly, we help businesses create their own microstore, reach a broader audience and be easier-to-find in all search engines. Choose our free (10 products) or professional package (unlimited products) to create your own company account, add products in minutes and connect with new B2B buyers today.

  • Free

    $0/ forever

    Add 10 products

    UNLIMITED purchase quotations

    Own company page:

    Complete business profile

    High DA backlink to your company website

    Own product catalog with images

    Products on main website page

    Request for quotation (RFQ)

    Receive and respond to Inquiries

    SSL certificate

    Visible in search results

    Company page optimization (SEO)

    Product page optimization (SEO)

    No commissions

  • Best choice for SME


    $49.00/ Year

    Add UNLIMITED products

    UNLIMITED purchase quotations

    Own company page:

    Complete business profile

    High DA backlink to your company website

    Own product catalog with images

    Products on main website page

    Request for quotation (RFQ)

    Receive and respond to inquiries

    SSL certificate

    More visibility and top ranking in search results

    Company page optimization (SEO)

    Product page optimization (SEO)

    No commissions

"Within 1 week after offering our products on Scoustock we received a message from a company that was interested in our products."