The terms of this disclaimer apply to the website www.scoutstock.com. By visiting the website you accept the applicability of this disclaimer.
Use of the website
Only natural persons have the right to access the website. The visitor of the website is forbidden:
- to visit the website automated;
- to hack the website and to use botnet network;
- to place content and parts of the website on other websites.
Excluding liability
All information on this website is intended for personal use. No right can be deriving from advertisements, pictures, information, texts and content on the website. Amendments and type errors reserved. Despites the fact that Scoutstock.com will take due care in constructing and in maintaining this website, Scoutstock.com cannot vouch for the correctness, completeness and actuality of the information on this website. Scoutstock.com does not accept any liability for damage resulting from inaccurate or incomplete information on this website.
In particular, the prices and fees on the website are subject to type errors. Regarding these errors no liability will be accepted.
Scoutstock.com reserves the rights and powers accruing to it under the provisions of the Copyright Act and other intellectual property legislation and regulations.
Privacy & cookies
Upon visiting this website, Scoutstock.com can gather information of the Client regarding the usage of and its behaviour on the website by tracking cookies.
Scoutstock.com will store the details and information that the Client provides to Scoutstock.com carefully and confidentially. Scoutstock.com will not store the details and information of the Client longer than necessary.
Scoutstock.com will only use the details and information of the Client in the context of the execution of its delivery obligations and/or of dealing with a complaint.
Scoutstock.com acts in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) ("GDPR") which is effective from May 25, 2018. Scoutstock.com will keep a register of processing activities on the basis of the GDPR.
Scoutstock.com may only use the personal details of the Client within the framework of the implementation of its obligation to supply, or of dealing with a complaint.
Scoutstock.com is not permitted to lend out, hire out or sell the personal details of the Client, or to publicise them in any other manner.
The Client has the right to request full disclosure, correction and/or deletion of all Client information.
If Scoutstock.com is obliged to provide confidential information to third parties by virtue of a legal provision or court decision, and Scoutstock.com cannot claim a legal right of immunity, or such a right recognised or permitted by the competent court in this respect, then Scoutstock.com is not liable to pay compensation or grant indemnification. The Client is also not entitled to terminate the Contract by reason of any damage arising in this way.
Scoutstock.com reserves the right to utilise the other details of the Client in anonymous form for (statistical) research and databases.
Scoutstock.com will ask the visitors of the website for consent in advance for collecting information through tracking cookies.
The information that Scoutstock.com collects through cookies can be used for functional and/or analytical purposes. Scoutstock.com has on Google Analytics enabled the demographics and interest rapports. Scoutstock.com uses the collected information for:
to gain better insight into the amount and type visitors of the website; segmenting the visitors of the website with the purpose to identify the differences between the visitors of the website that lead to a conversion and the visitors of the website that don’t lead to a conversion; refining and optimizing the strategies for advertising campaigns. The Client is entitled to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority regarding his / her personal data. The Dutch Data Protection Authority is obliged to handle this complaint.
The Client agrees that Scoutstock.com may approach the Client for statistical or customer satisfaction research. If the Client does not wish to be approached for research, the Client may make this known.
Applicable law and disputes
Dutch law is exclusively applicable to this disclaimer. Disputes regarding this or in connection with this disclaimer will only be submitted to the competent court in the Netherlands.
Amend and remove
You can always amend or remove on your request the provided company information.
If you have any questions about this disclaimer or our privacy policy, please contact us.